Approximately 650 years old, is older in establishment than the Anjaneyaswamy temple, which is approximately 550 years old. He is considered to be the Presiding deity of the Kshetra along with Lord Anjaneya.
The present structure of the Sannidhi is due to the efforts of Avadhootha Sadhguru, who undertook its renovation after that of Lord Anjaneya Sannidhi.
It was the venue where Avadhootha Sadhguru performed a 48 day austere penance, during His formative years, after which His Holiness was graced by Lord Narayana, who became His Guiding Force to Enlightenment.
These premises are hence considered very auspicious.
Daily Pujas are performed to the divine couple. Devotees can have darshan and perform sevas on all days.