The present Peethadhipathi of Maruthi Peetham of Shree Kshetra, young and youthful, His Holiness is totally committed to performing His Duty, as ordained by Avadhootha Sadhguru Shree Shree Bindumadhava Sharma Mahaswamiji, His Grandfather, Mentor, Guide and the Divine Lead.
Though short in years, He possesses the intelligence, the wisdom and the sharpness to shoulder the spiritual responsibility of leading the Kshetra to great heights of being the destination for spiritual salvation, for the future generations.

To ensure the Kshetra continues to be the leading light for its devotees, His Holiness has chalked out an elaborate plan of activities and development in / for the Kshetra, maintaining the path and the traditional guidelines set by the late Sadhguru.
His Holiness, with the divine guidance of the Avadhootha Sadhguru and the benevolent Grace of Lord Veeraprathapa Anjaneya Swami, is all set to lead the Kshetra and His new age flock to spiritual wellbeing.