User agrees that neither the Trust nor its personnel shall be liable for any direct or/and indirect or/and incidental or/and special or/and consequential or/and exemplary damages, resulting from the use or/and the inability to use the service or/and messages received or/and transactions entered into through or/and from the service or/and resulting from unauthorized access to or/and alteration of user’s transmissions or/and data or/and arising from any other matter relating to the service.
User further agrees that the Trust shall not be liable for any damages arising from interruption, suspension or termination of service, including but not limited to direct or/and indirect or/and incidental or/and special consequential or/and exemplary damages, whether such interruption or/and suspension or/and termination was justified or not, negligent or intentional, inadvertent or advertent.
User agrees that the Trust shall not be responsible or liable to user, or anyone, for the statements or conduct of any third party of the service..